Monday, November 16, 2009

Tile Trends: Combination Mosaics

Mosaics have been extremely popular throughout history. We are seeing an increase in a blending of materials lately.

The most popular combination mosaic is a mix of 1"x1" stone and glass. Several other shapes are also on the market such as rectangles and circles but Tile Market has the most variety in the square shape. Often used to include a small amount of color or texture change these mosaics work great as accent walls, backsplashes, and even shower floors.

Although glass and stone is the most prevelant combination mosaic we also see ceramic and stone, glass and metal, and ceramic and glass. As design trends continue blending traditional and contemporary (transitional) these mosaics will prosper as well.

Tile Market of San Marco has the combination mosaic to fit your needs.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tile Trends: Backsplashes

The space above the counter top is referred to as the backsplash. Sometimes a 4" piece of counter material is used as the only backsplash. This look is commonly used in bathrooms while more decorative tile is used in kitchens. Varying in size and design, backsplashes typically require lots of planning.

In kitchens, the standard backsplash runs from the counter to the bottom of the upper cabinets in a space that averages about 18" high. Many times there is a larger space above the cooktop or sink. The kitchen,called the heart of the home, can showcase the backsplash as art.

More modern designs may run a single tile throughout the entire space. Whereas, a more traditional look may use the larger space above the cooktop as a focal point by adding more decorative elements. With the smaller scale of this project, one may choose to spend more per square foot on tiles.

With backsplash design the possibilities are endless. Tile Market can easily help narrow down the choices. Shopping for tile after your counter is selected may also help to speed up the process. Tile Market is sure to have the backsplash for your home.